
Trends of environmental, social and economic development in the modern world are driving forward the theory and practice of Green Building with important role for architecture and architects. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the Green Building doctrine and its historic background based on a review of main ideas of Green Architecture including its historic roots, as well as modern theories and practices of contemporary system of sustainability. Complex quality assessment methodologies developed in different regions of the world to evaluate environmental, social, economic and creative features of new and renovated buildings and urban complexes are analyzed in order to identify the most effective and advanced tools and methods. The importance of sustainability aspects is presented by a comparative analysis of basic features of building’s quality assessment methods originated in different countries and regions, as it reveals the structure and weight impact of different evaluation methods. The article also addresses the impact of Green Architecture theories and assessment methods on architectural practice by analyzing outstanding case studies in urban design, landscape architecture and volumetric building design. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjama žaliosios architektūros paradigmos raida skirtingais miestų filosofijos ir architektūros teorijos laikotarpiais, pateikiama daug nuoseklios idėjos raidos pavyzdžių nuo 19 a. pabaigos iki 20 a. vidurio. Materialiosios aplinkos, miestų ir pastatų tvarumas vertinamas pagal nustatytus kriterijus, naudojamus skirtinguose pasaulio regionuose nuo 20 a. pabaigos. Pateikiama skirtingų tvarumo nustatymo ir vertinimo aspektų analizė išryškina dominuojančius aspektus, taip pat parodo skirtingų tvarumo nustatymo metodų būdingus bruožus. Tyrimo išvadose nurodomi žaliosios architektūros platesnio įdiegimo Lietuvoje būdai: specialistų mokymas ir profesionalių architektų profesinis tobulėjimas, skirtingose statybos proceso grandyse dirbančių specialistų pajėgų konsolidavimas, įstatymų ir reglamentų bazės tobulinimas, numatant ekonomines ir kitas paskatas žaliosios architektūros principus taikantiems vystytojams. Straispsnis anglų kalba.


  • Different cities can be characterized by different quality of life, though certain variety always exists because of natural, cultural, ethnic and other reasons

  • The point of interest is in analysis how these specific methodologies for achieving more sustainable urban areas and buildings affect architectural design practices

  • The analyzed sustainability assessment methodologies used in different regions of the world have some differences, and lots of common features

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Different cities can be characterized by different quality of life, though certain variety always exists because of natural, cultural, ethnic and other reasons. Authorities and institutions are trying to improve living conditions in the city and this is mostly influenced by a balance between its residents’ wishes to live comfortably in the city on the one hand and the need for clean and healthy urban environment on the other. Strive for a clean and healthy city is accompanied by the need of durable, lasting and efficient urban spaces and buildings. In this context the special skills and competences are needed in all phases of project development starting with a preliminary design, full project, construction and post-construction maintenance. The point of interest is in analysis how these specific methodologies for achieving more sustainable urban areas and buildings affect architectural design practices.

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