
The great scallop, Pecten maximus is a potentialaquaculture species in Norway, but production to date has been low. Greatscallop landings in 2000 were 571 tonnes, exclusively from harvesting wildstocks, landed by divers. Approximately two million juveniles of 15mm shell height have been produced annually in a hatchery since1998, and distributed to farmers. Research projects on larvae and juvenilesinclude studies of various antibacterial treatments, improved culture systemdesigns and application of probiotics. Results from hanging cultures underdifferent environmental conditions indicate a strong correlation between lowtemperature and poor survival, and point out the importance of careful selectionof cultivation sites. Good growth potential of scallops in Norwegian waters hasbeen shown, and it is possible to reach market size of 10 mm shellheight in three to four years. Experiments with fences and other strategiesprotecting cultured scallops on the seabed from predation by crabs are inprogress.

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