
Abstract Three treatments were used to evaluate the effect of grazing intensity (ca 30% and 50% herbage removal), aspect (north and south), and slope (< 10% and 10%–30%) on plant community structure of mountain grasslands in the Basque Country (Spain). Plant species richness was not significantly affected by grazing intensity, aspect, or slope. Although plant species composition was similar (Sorensen's similarity index = 0.87) between both grazing intensities, species frequency and cover were affected by grazing intensity. Festuca rubra L. and Agrostis capillaris L. were the most common species under both grazing pressures. Moderate grazing intensity (50% herbage removal) plots contained a greater number of plant species with a frequency of more than 50%. The lowest cover for F. rubra corresponded to low grazing intensity, north aspects, and steeper slopes. The lowest cover for A. capillaris was found under low grazing intensity (30% herbage removal) and steeper slopes. Danthonia decumbens (L.) P. C., Pot...

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