
The planktonic food web in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea is dominated by small-sized (<20μm) microbes, with nanoflagellates being the major bacterial grazers and the main participants in nutrient cycling. Phosphate is a key nutrient in the P-limited Cretan Sea (NE Mediterranean) and P-availability can affect its trophic dynamics. Here, we examined the grazing potential of heterotrophic (HF) and pigmented (PF) nanoflagellates as a response mechanism to phosphate amendment. Flagellate grazing effect on bacteria was quantified in P-amended nutrient-depleted water from the Cretan Sea over the course of 4 days using microcosm experiments. P-addition positively affected HF abundance, while PF abundance remained unchanged. At the community level, P-addition had a negative effect on PF bacterial removal rates. In the control, PF-grazing rate was significantly higher than that of HF throughout the experiment. Pigment analysis showed no changes in phytoplankton community composition as a result of P-addition, indicating that PF grazing rate declined as a physiological response of the cells. The present study emphasizes the dominant grazing role of PF under P-depleted conditions and reveals that during the late stratified season PF respond to P-addition by lowering their grazing rates, enhancing the relative importance of bacterial removal by HF.

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