
Objectives: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) causes various neurological manifestations such as seizure and alteration of consciousness. The effect of COVID-19 on epilepsy is limited. For this reason, it was aimed to investigate the effect of COVID-19 on seizure frequency and severity of patients with epilepsy and the effect of COVID-19 treatment on seizures. Methods: Patients followed by the epilepsy outpatient unit were evaluated for COVID-19 between April 2020 and April 2021 and the patients who had COVID-19 were undertaken to the study. The age, gender, epilepsy type, duration of epilepsy, seizures in the past year, comorbidity disease, the date of COVID-19, COVID-19 treatment, inpatient care, need of intensive care, seizures in the meantime, treatment of antiepileptic drugs (AED), and seizure frequency and severity after COVID-19 were evaluated retrospectively. Results: A total of 141 patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19 were recruited for the study. When evaluating the factors which affect seizure occurrence risk during COVID-19, it was found that COVID-19 treatment protocol did not affect, but the existence of seizure in the past year increased 4.002 times, need for inpatient care increased 12.481 times, and number of AED increased 1.974 times seizure risk. It was found that having seizure during COVID-19 increased after COVID-19 seizure frequency and severity. Conclusion: As a result, the data of the study showed that the factors which affect having seizure during COVID-19 were inpatient care, the number of AED, and existence of seizure in the past year. The studies which included larger patients and longer follow-up time data are needed to evaluate the longer effect of COVID-19 on epilepsy. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Amac: Coronavirus hastaligi (COVID-19) nobet, bilinc degisikligi gibi cesitli norolojik bulgulara neden olabilmektedir. COVID-19'un epilepsi uzerine etkisi ile ilgili veri sinirli sayidadir. Bu nedenle calismamizda COVID-19'un epilepsi hastalarindaki nobet siklik ve siddetinde neden oldugu degisiklikler ve kullanilan COVID-19 tedavisinin nobetler uzerine etkisinin arastirilmasi planlanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calisma icin epilepsi polikliniginde takip edilen hastalar Nisan 2020-Nisan 2021 yillari arasinda COVID-19 hastaligi acisindan sorgulandi ve COVID-19 gecirdigi tespit edilen hastalar calismaya dahil edildi. Hastalarin yas, cinsiyet, epilepsi tipi, epilepsi suresi, son bir yilda nobet varligi, komorbid hastalik varligi, COVID-19 gecirme tarihi, COVID-19 tedavisi, hastane yatisi, yogun bakim tedavi gereksinimi, bu surede epileptik nobet oykusu, antiepileptik ilaclar (AEI) tedavisi ve sonrasinda nobet siklik ve siddetinde artis durumu retrospektif olarak degerlendirildi. Bulgular: COVID-19 gecirdigi tespit edilen toplam 141 epilepsi hastasi calismaya dahil edildi. COVID-19 surecinde nobet gecirme riskini etkileyen faktorler incelendiginde, COVID-19 tedavi protokollerinin etkisinin olmadigi ancak hastalarin son bir yilda nobet varliginin 4.022 kat, hastane yatis durumunun 12.481 kat ve kullanilan AEI sayisinin ise 1.974 kat nobet gecirme riskini artirdigi tespit edildi. COVID-19 hastaligi sonrasinda nobet sikligi ve siddetini artiran faktorun ise COVID-19 hastaligi suresince nobet gecirme oldugu tespit edildi. Sonuc: Sonuc olarak calismada elde edilen veriler, COVID-19 surecinde nobet gecirme risk faktorlerinin hastane yatisi, kullanilan AEI sayisi ve son bir yilda nobet varligi oldugunu gosterdi. COVID-19'un epilepsi uzerine uzun sureli etkilerinin incelenmesi icin, daha genis hasta serilerinin oldugu ve daha uzun sureli takip verilerini iceren calismalara ihtiyac vardir. (Turkish) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Epilepsi: Journal of the Turkish Epilepsi Society is the property of KARE Publishing and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

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