
In our study we investigated the relationship between conventional morphometric indicators of nuclear size and shape (area and circularity) and the parameters of gray level co-occurrence matrix texture analysis (entropy, homogeneity, and angular second moment) in cells committed to apoptosis. A total of 432 lymphocyte nuclei images from the spleen germinal center light zones (cells in early stages of apoptosis) were obtained from eight healthy male guinea pigs previously immunized with sheep red blood cells (antigen). For each nucleus, area, circularity, entropy, homogeneity, and angular second moment were determined. All measured parameters of gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) were significantly correlated with morphometric indicators of nuclear size and shape. The strongest correlation was observed between GLCM homogeneity and nuclear area (p < 0.0001, r(s) = 0.61). Angular second moment values were also highly significantly correlated with nuclear area (r(s)= 0.39, p < 0.0001). These results indicate that the GLCM method may be a powerful tool in evaluation of ultrastructural nuclear changes during early stages of the apoptotic process.

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