
The city of Manila is the chief city of the Philippine Islands in point of size and wealth and is the capital. It lies on the shore of Manila Bay, a circular body of water some thirty miles across, at whose gateway stands Corregidor, the Gibraltar of the Orient and probably one of the most strongly fortified places in the world. The city of Manila has a population of a little over 300,000 people, the greater proportion of which are natives, although there is a large population of Japanese, Chinese and other Oriental races and a considerable number of Europeans and Americans. Prior to the American occupation the Spaniards had control, and governed the Philippine Islands for over three hundred years. One of the early Spanish gentlemen by name Antonio Careiedo, previous to his death in the year 1748, in his will created a trust fund of $5000 gold for the purpose of constructing a water supply for the city of Manila. The trustees of this bequest for over one hundred years did nothing toward constructing a water-works system. In the year 1867 Spain sent a new governor general to Manila. He discovered this bequest of Antonio Careiedo and, instituting inquiries, ascertained who the trustees were who had the bequest in charge. He directed that they give an account of the fund with the earnings thereof. Owing to the great length of time which had elapsed during which the fund was in their control, it should have amounted to a very large sum of money, but it was found, when the numerous charges and deductions claimed by the trustees were made, as the funds were depleted by the English when they took Manila and on several other occasions, that it amounted to about $290,000 gold. The governor general ordered them to produce this money and directed the proper officers to proceed with the construction of a water system. However, the work was not begun until 1878. It took eleven years to get the enterprise under way even when it was pushed by this energetic governor general.

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