
We carefully investigate the gravitational perturbation of the Randall-Sundrum (RS) single brane-world solution [L. Randall and R. Sundrum, Phys. Rev. Lett. $83,$ 4690 (1999)], based on a covariant curvature tensor formalism recently developed by us. Using this curvature formalism, it is known that the ``electric'' part of the five-dimensional Weyl tensor, denoted by ${E}_{\ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\nu}},$ gives the leading order correction to the conventional Einstein equations on the brane. We consider the general solution of the perturbation equations for the five-dimensional Weyl tensor caused by the matter fluctuations on the brane. By analyzing its asymptotic behavior in the direction of the fifth dimension, we find the curvature invariant diverges as we approach the Cauchy horizon. However, in the limit of asymptotic future in the vicinity of the Cauchy horizon, the curvature invariant falls off fast enough to render the divergence harmless to the brane world. We also obtain the asymptotic behavior of ${E}_{\ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\nu}}$ on the brane at spatial infinity, assuming that the matter perturbation is localized. We find it falls off sufficiently fast and will not affect the conserved quantities at spatial infinity. This indicates strongly that the usual conservation law, such as the ADM energy conservation, holds on the brane as far as asymptotically flat spacetimes are concerned.

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