
Abstract We construct the first eleven-dimensional supergravity solutions, which are regular, have no smearing and possess only SO(2, 4) × SO(3) × U(1) R isometry. They are dual to four-dimensional field theories with $ \mathcal{N} $ = 2 superconformal symmetry. We utilise the Toda frame of self-dual four-dimensional Euclidean metrics with SU(2) rotational symmetry. They are obtained by transforming the Atiyah-Hitchin instanton under SL(2, $ \mathbb{R} $ ) and are expressed in terms of theta functions. The absence of any extra U(1) symmetry, even asymptotically, renders inapplicable the electrostatic description of our solution.


  • Where the AdS5 and S2 have unit radii and γijdxidxj = dz2 + eΨ(dx2 + dy2)

  • The main result of this paper is the construction of the first in the literature solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity as dual of field theories with N = 2 superconformal symmetry which has only SO(2, 4) × SO(3) × U(1)R isometry

  • Our construction was made possible by making contact with solutions of the continual Toda equation corresponding to the four-dimensional Atiyah-Hitchin gravitational instanton and subsequent use of modular transformations in order to satisfy the appropriate boundary conditions

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Hyper-Kahler geometries

If ∂φ is a translational Killing vector we can always choose a coordinate system such that dV −1 = ± γ dω , γij = δij For this metric the self-duality (or anti-self duality) condition can be written as. Regular solutions of four-dimensional Euclidean self-dual metrics require that ∂zΨ = 0. This is not in conflict with the boundary condition (1.4) since the latter refers to eleven-dimensional metrics. This implies that we cannot take over solutions to Toda equations appropriate for the four-dimensional metrics (2.2) and use them in (1.1) since the resulting background will be singular

Review of Bianchi IX folliations and Toda frame
Appropriate boundary conditions
The Darboux-Halphen system and its generic solutions
General solution and boundary conditions
AC and consequently
Concluding remarks
Construction of the Toda frame
Verification of the solution
B Modular forms and elliptic integrals
C Extra Killing vector and electrostatics
Maldacena-Nunez solution
The instanton picture
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