
We use high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical AMR simulations to predict the characteristics of La emission from the cold gas streams that fed galaxies in massive haloes at high redshift. The La luminosity in our simulations is powered by the release of gravitational energy as gas flows from the intergalactic medium into the halo potential wells. The UV background contributes only <20% to the gas heating. The La emissivity is due primarily to electron-impact excitation cooling radiation in gas ~2x10^4K. We calculate the La emissivities assuming collisional ionisation equilibrium (CIE) at all gas temperatures. The simulated streams are self-shielded against the UV background, so photoionisation and recombination contribute negligibly to the La line formation. We produce theoretical maps of the La surface brightnesses, assuming that ~85% of the La photons are directly observable. We find that typical haloes of mass Mv~10^12-13 Msun at z~3 emit as La blobs (LABs) with luminosities 10^43-44 erg/s. Most of the La comes from the extended narrow, partly clumpy, inflowing, cold streams that feed the growing galaxies. The predicted LAB morphology is therefore irregular, with dense clumps and elongated extensions. The linewidth is expected to range from 10^2 to more than 10^3 km/s with a large variance. The typical La surface brightness profile is proportional to r^-1.2 where r is the distance from the halo centre. Our simulated LABs are similar in luminosity, morphology and extent to the observed LABs, with distinct kinematic features. The predicted La luminosity function is consistent with observations, and the predicted areas and linewidths roughly recover the observed scaling relations. This mechanism for producing LABs appears inevitable in many high-z galaxies. Some of the LABs may thus be regarded as direct detections of the cold streams that drove galaxy evolution at high z.

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