
Gravity can explain biology. Unity is a limitation for geometries in our universe, as they share a common space defined by the Big Bang. That everything must be in motion, we must apply it in the topology. They are systems that have a common source and a compelling obligation to move until they merge. Perelman understood the extreme state of homogeneity and dynamic force of entropy, the geometries that constantly share and change its shapes due to curvature flows. This is a turbulence when we define it as the state with sufficient common energy for all the components to interact, overcoming any restriction, even when shock waves can burn (amputate) singularities arising because of three-dimensionality. For quantum mechanics, the geometric possibilities of controlled turbulence appear as the probability cloud of the quantum electron or the integral of the Feynman trajectory or the double-slit experiment. Virtual things can happen to the particle on the way, and vacuum polarization as space geometry must account for all of them. This view becomes relevant when we have geometric turbulences in general relativity that can create many vortices of negative feedback circuits for biology. Life and consciousness is a condition in which transitions of multiple phases are continuously maintained. Space geometries and mass are related, and as components become more massive, they can pass from Schwarzschild to Minkowski geometry, allowing active geometries with greater causal order and lesser randomness, as considered by Schrodinger in his book entitled What Is Life?.

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