
As recently advocated in \cite{Fischer:2018niu}, there is a fundamentally new mechanism for the axion production in the Sun and Earth. However, the role of very slow axions in previous studies were neglected because of its negligible contribution to the total axion production by this new mechanism. In the present work we specifically focus on analysis of the non-relativistic axions which will be trapped by the Sun and Earth due to the gravitational forces. The corresponding emission rate of these low energy axions (below the escape velocity) is very tiny. However, these axions will be accumulated by the Sun and Earth during their life-times, i.e. 4.5 billion of years, which greatly enhances the discovery potential. The computations are based on the so-called Axion Quark Nugget (AQN) Dark Matter Model. This model was originally invented as a natural explanation of the observed ratio $\Omega_{\rm dark} \sim \Omega_{\rm visible}$ when the DM and visible matter densities assume the same order of magnitude values, irrespectively to the axion mass $m_a$ or initial misalignment angle $\theta_0$.This model, without adjustment of any parameters, gives a very reasonable intensity of the extreme UV (EUV) radiation from the solar corona as a result of the AQN annihilation events with the solar material. This extra energy released in corona represents a resolution, within AQN framework, a long standing puzzle known in the literature as the "solar corona heating mystery". The same annihilation events also produce the axions. The flux of these axions is unambiguously fixed in this model and expressed in terms of the EUV luminosity from solar corona. We make few comments on the potential discovery of these gravitationally bound axions.


  • The Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism accompanied by the axions remains the most compelling resolution of the strong CP problem, see original papers [1,2,3] and recent reviews [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] on the subject

  • This portion of the nonrelativistic axions is extremely tiny as shown on Fig. 1(b)

  • The distinct feature of the axion quark nugget (AQN) trapped axions is very large wave length λa 1⁄4 ðmavaÞ−1 as the typical trapped velocity va ≤ vt⊕rapped is much smaller than a typical galactic dark matter (DM) velocity ∼10−3c according to (13)

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The Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism accompanied by the axions remains the most compelling resolution of the strong CP problem, see original papers [1,2,3] and recent reviews [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] on the subject. The most important consequence of the new production mechanism is that the emitted axions (from the axion domain wall when the nugget gets annihilated) will be released with relativistic velocities with typical values vAaxQioNn ≃ 0.5c These features should be contrasted with conventional galactic nonrelativistic axions vaxion ∼ 10−3c and solar ultrarelativistic axions with typical energies hEi 1⁄4 4.2 keV. The goal here is to present some numerical estimates for our specific AQN model when the axions which are produced as a result of the annihilation events in the solar atmosphere and will be indefinitely bounded to the Sun. the main goal of the present studies is to develop a new technique to generalize the results of Ref.

Axions from the Earth’s underground
Srad d dEa
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