
Locally AdS$_{d-1}\times\mathbb{R}$ uniform black strings (UBS) in the presence of a massless scalar field are believed to avoid the onset of the Gregory-Laflamme (GL) instability in $d\ge4$ as no tachyonic modes exist in the spectrum of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. We present analytic and numerical evidence of GL modes in the Lichnerowicz spectrum indicating that AdS$_{d-1}$ UBSs are classically and thermodynamically unstable at the linear level in $d>4$. In $d=4$, we confirm that uniform BTZ$_3$ strings are indeed stable as previously suggested. We propose that linear instabilities of black strings are triggered if and only if a tachyonic mode exists in the Lichnerowicz spectrum. At the end state of the instability, AdS$_{d-1}$ UBSs of finite length may tunnel to a SAdS$_d$ black hole or converge onto a novel non-uniform AdS$_d$ black string. We conjecture that weak cosmic censorship is violated if the non-uniform solution is an exact AdS$_d$ black funnel and compute entropy estimates in $d>4$ as evidence.


  • Finding tachyonic modes in the matter sector is a necessary and sufficient condition for classical instability and several numerical and analytic situations exist where such instabilities were sourced from Specð□Þ only [19–21]

  • We show that tachyonic modes in Specð□; ΔLÞ are uncorrelated on the AdSd−1 uniform black strings (UBS) background, and the BTZ3 UBS is stable

  • We confirm the AdSd−1 UBS solution is unstable in 10 ≥ d ≥ 5, and in d 1⁄4 10, we studied the threshold of this instability for various control parameters

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Black objects with translationally invariant horizons suffer from classical instabilities. Deformations from the matter sector do not grow sufficiently fast to trigger an instability, whereas the same is not true for propagating tensor modes in SpecðΔLÞ To our knowledge, this is the first example where the spectra of scalar operators are uncorrelated for AdS black strings in the presence of nontrivial matter. This is the first example where the spectra of scalar operators are uncorrelated for AdS black strings in the presence of nontrivial matter This suggests tachyonic modes in Specð□Þ are sufficient, but not necessary as previously thought, to generate classical instabilities, and it supports earlier studies that linear black string instabilities are triggered only if tachyonic modes exist in SpecðΔLÞ

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