
view Abstract Citations (51) References (10) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Gravitational encounters in rich cluster of galaxies. Strom, S. E. ; Strom, K. M. Abstract Gravitational encounters in dense clusters may significantly alter the structural properties of elliptical galaxies. Observational data presented in this paper suggest that ellipticals located near the dense central regions of spiral-poor and cD clusters of galaxies may lose up to 50% of their initial mass, while their characteristic sizes may decrease by a factor of 1.5 or more. These results, when compared with numerical simulations of galaxy encounters, lend support to the view that tidal stripping of halo stars is a plausible cause of these changes. The observable properties of E galaxies that are located in lower-density spiral-rich clusters appear to be relatively homogeneous and show no evidence of the effects of gravitational encounters. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: November 1978 DOI: 10.1086/182801 Bibcode: 1978ApJ...225L..93S Keywords: Elliptical Galaxies; Galactic Clusters; Galactic Structure; Gravitational Effects; Digital Simulation; Halos; Spiral Galaxies; Astrophysics; Clusters of Galaxies:Galaxy Encounters; Elliptical Galaxies: Structure full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (6)

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