
We study the question of a modification of the running gauge coupling of Yang-Mills theories due to quantum gravitational effects in a compact large extra dimensional brane world scenario with a low energy quantum gravity scale. The ADD scenario is applied for a D=d+\delta dimensional space-time in which gravitons freely propagate, whereas the non-abelian gauge fields are confined to a d-dimensional brane. The extra dimensions are taken to be toroidal and the transverse fluctuation modes (branons) of the brane are taken into account. On this basis we have calculated the one-loop corrections due to virtual Kaluza-Klein graviton and branon modes for the gluon two- and three-point functions in an effective field theory treatment. Applying momentum cut-off regularization we find that for a d=4 brane the leading gravitational divergencies cancel irrespective of the number of extra dimensions \delta, generalizing previous results in the absence of extra-dimensions. Hence, again the Yang-Mills \beta-function receives no gravitational corrections at one-loop. This is no longer true in a `universal' extra dimensional scenario with a d>4 dimensional brane. Moreover, the subleading power-law gravitational divergencies induce higher-dimensional counterterms, which we establish in our scheme. Interestingly, for d=4 these gravitationally induced counterterms are of the form recently considered in non-abelian Lee-Wick extensions of the standard model -- now with a possible mass scale in the TeV range due to the presence of large extra dimensions.

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