
Using an on shell gauge invariant formulation of relativistic dynamics I study the interaction vertices for a massive spin 5/2 Dirac field propagating in (anti-)de Sitter [(A)dS] space of dimension greater than or equal to four. The gravitational interaction vertex for the massive spin 5/2 field and all cubic vertices for the massive spin 5/2 field and massless spin 2 field with two and three derivatives are obtained. In dimension greater than four, I demonstrate that the gravitational vertex of the massive spin 5/2 field involves, in addition to the standard minimal gravitational vertex, contributions with two and three derivatives. I find that for the massive spin 5/2 and massless spin 2 fields one can build two higher-derivative vertices with two and three derivatives. Limits of massless and partial massless spin 5/2 fields in (A)dS space and limits of massive and massless spin 5/2 fields in flat space are discussed.

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