
ABSTRACT A new species of Grateloupia from Wenzhou Nanji Island in Zhejiang province, China, was illustrated based on morphological observation, early development, life history and rbcL gene sequence analysis, and named Grateloupia oligoclora H.W.Wang & Y.Bian sp. nov. The morphological features of this new species can be summarized as upright thalli, solitary or cespitose, dark red in colour, cartilaginous and mucilaginous in texture. The margins of the thalli were smooth, without lateral branches, proliferations, or branched, dichotomously branched or with 3–5 irregular rod-shaped branches. The thalli were consisted of cortex cells (6–9 cell layers) and medulla. The cystocarps were spherical and appeared to be speckled from the surface of the thalli. The carpogonial branch ampullae and auxiliary cell branch were typical Grateloupia-type. During the cruciate dividing of tetrasporangia, some dyads showed asynchronous phenomenon. Type of spore development and life history were typical mediate discal type and isomorphic alternation of generations. Phylogenetic analysis based on rbcL sequence indicated that the new taxon formed an independent clade from other Grateloupia species, and this clade was sister to G. subpectinata Holmes with high interspecific divergence 12 bp (1%), supporting its specific status. Accordingly, G. oligoclora H.W.Wang & Y.Bian sp. nov is proposed as a new species of Grateloupia. This study provides new resource and species diversity of marine Rhodophyta in China.

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