
A biotic origin of isotopically light graphite in Hadean zircon remains contested, in part because it is unclear how biogenic carbon in sediments behaves during diagenesis, metamorphism and anatexis, and how it can be preserved as inclusions in zircon. Here, we report the discovery of graphitic inclusions in zircon from Rumburk granite in the Lusatian Block of eastern central Europe as the first example of such inclusion-bearing zircon in a well-constrained geological and petrological context. Most graphite inclusions are trapped at the interface between inherited zircon interiors of early Cambrian–Proterozoic age and late Cambrian (496.2 ± 2.3 Ma; 95% confidence) zircon overgrowths that crystallized at ∼700 °C under highly reducing conditions (typically −4.6 log units relative to the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer). Zircon overgrowths are also enriched in xenotime component (up to 93 µmol/g P) and δ18O (average δ18O = 7.7‰), both typical for S-type granitic melts. Raman microspectroscopy reveals crystalline and disordered graphitic carbon, but because overgrowth temperatures reached >700 °C, sufficient for complete graphitization, disordering is presumably secondary and caused by in-situ irradiation from the zircon host. Because organic materials were avoided during sample preparation, and inclusions were excavated by ion beam sputtering, exposure to potential C-bearing contaminants can be dismissed. Inclusions range in δ13C from −44.6 to −7.5‰ with a dominant mode at δ13C = −34‰ that is positively skewed. Rayleigh-type graphite precipitation from a CO2-CH4 fluid with a starting composition equivalent to regional black shale (δ13C = −32‰) explains inclusion carbon isotopic range and distribution. Collectively, these observations suggest that graphite was initially trapped in voids formed via dissolution-reprecipitation of trace element enriched, and possibly metamict, detrital zircon in metasedimentary protoliths when exposed to C-O-H fluids during prograde metamorphism. Subsequently, graphite-filled voids in inherited zircon became enclosed when zircon rims crystallized from highly reduced S-type granitic melts. Besides partial disordering of graphitic carbon due to irradiation, there is no indication for post-entrapment alteration, demonstrating that graphitic inclusions in zircon can preserve isotopic biosignatures over hundreds of millions of years.

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