
Mobile applications are very popular among the children nowadays as children use it for many purposes such as entertainment, learning or education. Keeping hand written notes in hard copy is not a good choice as the accumulated papers would mess up child’s study space. Although there is high adoption of mobile application among children nowadays, but children are not educated to practice password to secure their personals in their primary school syllabus. Therefore, an application which can provide personal storage for children to store their notes in softcopy forms called Graphical Password Authentication for Child Personal Storage Application was proposed. The adoption of graphical password authentication in the proposed system is intended to cultivate children practice password to secure their files in an interesting method. The proposed system is developed in Android mobile application platform and the Object-oriented Mobile Application Development is applied as methodology of the project. The proposed system’s functional requirements are implemented according to user’s requirements and the application interfaces implementation also based on user’s characteristics that has been studied in literature reviews. The significance of the project is awareness on secure file keeping among the children. Children can use graphical password in their childhood age would be the advantage for them in the future because they would make a sense to protect privacy by setting up password. In terms of information security, the proposed system has mentioned some values that would be achieved which are authentication, confidentiality and availability.

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