
The article presents the methodology and results of a graphic and analytical study of the kinematics of a rotating backstage relating to a multi-circuit multiloop coulisse mechanism for planting bushes of a vertical-spindle drum of a cotton harvester apparatus. The authors describe the study of the influence of the structure and geometry of individual links of the multiloop coulisse mechanism of the vertical- spindle drum of a Cotton harvester apparatus on its kinematics. Graphic and analytical study of the kinematics of the mechanism and the advantages of this research method are given. Calculation and graphical works were carried out to determine the parameters of linear and angular velocities of the characteristic points of the rotating wings of the multi-circuit scotch mechanism for 12 positions of the crank. The results of the calculations are summarized in a general table and presented in the form of graphs. The article is of interest for a practical analysis of the flow of the working process of a multi-circuit rocker mechanism. The graphs clearly show the changes in the kinematic parameters of the mechanism links within the working cycle.

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