
The growth of carbon layers, defective graphene, and graphene by deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Cu(111) is studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Two different PAHs are used as starting materials: the buckybowl pentaindenocorannulene (PIC) which contains pentagonal rings and planar coronene (CR). For both precursors, with increasing sample temperature during deposition, porous carbon aggregates (350 °C), dense carbon layers (400-450 °C), disordered defective graphene (500 °C-550 °C), and extended graphene (≥600 °C) are obtained. No significant differences for defective graphene grown from PIC and CR are observed. C 1s X-ray photoelectron spectra of PIC and CR derived samples grown at 350-550 °C exhibit a characteristic C-Cu low binding energy component. Preparation at ≥600 °C eliminates this C-Cu species and only C-C bonded carbon remains.

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