
We investigate spin-polarized transport in graphene-based ferromagnet-superconductor junctions within the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk formalism by using spin-polarized Dirac-Bogoliubov-de-Gennes equations. We consider superconductor in spin-singlet s-wave pairing state and ferromagnet is modeled by an exchange field with energy of Ex. We have found that graphene-based junctions can be used to produce highly spin-polarized current in different situations. For example, if we design a junction with high Ex and EF compared to order parameter of superconductor, then one can have a large spin-polarized current which is tunable in magnitude and sign by bias voltage and Ex. Therefore graphene-based superconducting junction can be used in spintronic devices in alternative to conventional junctions or half-metallic ferromagnets. Also, we have found that the calculated spin polarization can be used as a tool to distinguish specular Andreev reflection (SAR ) from the conventional Andreev reflection (CAR ) such that in the case of CAR, spin polarization in sub-gap region is completely negative which means that spin-down current is greater than spin-up current. When the SAR is dominated, the spin polarization is positive at all bias-voltages, which itself shows that spin-up current is greater than spin-down current.

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