
In real-world scenarios, a user's interactions with items could be formalized as a behavior sequence, indicating his/her dynamic and evolutionary preferences. To this end, a series of recent efforts in recommender systems aim at improving recommendation performance by considering the sequential information. However, impacts of sequential behavior on future interactions may vary greatly in different scenarios. Additionally, semantic item relations underlying item attributes have not been well exploited in sequential recommendation models, which could be crucial for measuring item similarities in recommendation. To deal with the above problems, this paper provides a general embedding smoothing framework for sequential recommendation models. Specifically, we first construct a hybrid item graph by fusing sequential item relations derived from user-item interactions with semantic item relations built upon item attributes. Second, we perform graph convolutions on the hybrid item graph to generate smoothed item embedding. Finally, we equip sequential recommendation models with the smoothed item representations to enhance their performances. Experimental results demonstrate that with our embedding smoothing framework, the state-of-the-art sequential recommendation model, SASRec, achieves superior performance to most baseline methods on three real-world datasets. Moreover, the results show that most mainstream sequential recommendation models could benefit from our framework.

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