
Graph neural network (GNN) is an emerging field in deep learning. Graphs have more expressive power than any other data structure. Graph neural network is one of the application areas of deep learning, and it has applications in different domains where traditional convolutional neural networks can't give the desired result. Graphs are basically connections of nodes through the edges. In the area of recommendation systems, image processing and fraud detection are some of the few application areas of graph neural networks. As graphs are moveable and mobile in nature, they are more flexible to apply in these domains. GNN deals with these types of problems more effectively than a convolution neural network. To apply GNN to a specific problem domain, data needs to be converted into a graphical format, and then neural network operations can be executed. The main feature of GNN is to inherit information from its neighborhood. This is called graph embedding. This chapter describes basic GNN architecture, GNN advantage over CNN, and its application in different domains.

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