
Grapes powdery mildew appeared permanently in the grapes growing regions of Bulgaria. The disease was reported in our country by Kostov in 1900. More than a century the powdery mildew disease has been causing less or greater yield losses depending on the climate. In the past when the vineyards were small and scattered, the disease was not an economic problem. Later, during the second half of the 20th century, the grapes growing areas consolidated and enlarged, and the concentration and intensification of production took place. The pathogen spread permanently to epidemic in the vineyards and the disease became destructive and economically important. During that period commercial varieties were grown susceptible to the causal agent of the powdery mildew, and organic fungicides were applied in the disease control system. Mistakes in the grapes growing technology are observed and the disease management strategies applied are not always scientifically proved. The statements that in Bulgaria there exist conditions suitable for the appearance and development of grapes powdery mildew only in the Black sea region are disproved. A new research is necessary to be done to answer the questions about: the sources of primary inoculum, the influence of the ecological conditions on the appearance and spread of the powdery mildew, and the timing for the disease control. In the survey the overwintering of the pathogen, the appearance of the first symptoms and the dynamics of the disease spread have been discussed. As for the ecological conditions in Bulgaria, it is considered that the fungus mainly survives as mycelia in the buds and on the shoots of the vines serving as a source of a permanent infection background. The studies carried through during 1994–2002 proved that the pathogen influenced by the ecological conditions could also form cleistothecia and they could be the source of the initial infection. The effect of the leaves removal around the clusters on the spread of the grapes powdery mildew and the field resistance of some varieties were studied. Critical stages of the disease appearance and spread are defined based on the research data. Management strategies are proposed including alternative approach practices.

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