
Minimizing pesticide use, preserving water, as well as enhancing soil health are just a few of the sustainable farming techniques that must be carefully considered while growing grapes of a high calibre. These practices can help preserve the environment and ensure the longevity of the vineyard. However, it is difficult for the farmers to find the suitability of the soil and its environment to cultivate grapes with high quality. Thus this research aims to evaluate the fitness of the soil for the fitness of growing quality grapes with the aid of machine learning algorithm. The research was done on Nasik region which is called as the “Grape Capital of India” situated in Maharashtra. Total of 154 villages were considered for the examination and soil specimens were collected and sent to the government testing lab in Maharashtra. The soil characteristics by considering both micro and macro nutrients, and the water characteristics were obtained from the lab. Also the climatic features, quality of the petiole and fruit characteristics were included for creating the dataset. These data was given to six different machine learning algorithm to classify the soil by defining whether the soil is fit for grapes or not. Moreover, this research proposed to analyze the correlation between the nutrients by which the relationship and dependency between the different nutrients and features were considered for defining the grapes quality. Also both the micro and macro nutrients were given equal importance in defining the soil quality suitable for obtaining high quality grapes. Based on the results obtained, Pimpalas Ramche contains more nutrients for the grape to grow more successfully based on samples gathered from different vine yards and the decision tree classifier scores better than any other classifiers among the machine learning algorithms employed in terms of accuracy.

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