
Abstract: Aim: To compare the grape juice as substitute for xylene agent in hematoxylin and eosin staining procedure. Objective: The objective is to find the use of grape juice as deparaffinizing agent as a substitute to xylene and comparing the staining characteristics in grape juice and Xylene as deparaffinising agent in hematoxylin and eosin stain. Materials and Methods: The study made in 45 paraffin embedded blocks of breast fibroadenoma tissues. From each block, two sections of 4-5 microns thickness were prepared. Two different groups like A and B were seperated. Tissue sections in Group A were stained with H & E method where xylene was used as deparaffinizing agent and Group B were stained with H & E with grape juice, were it used as deparaffinising agent alternative to Xylene. Staining characteristics were compared with xylene and scoring was given. The scoring was given to the tissue depending upon the staining of the cells, 3–5 score was regarded as satisfactory for diagnosis and less than that is insufficient for diagnosis. Results: Impression obtained with staining characteristics in the cell eg : nuclear, cytoplasm, uniformity, clarity of the cell and crispiness of staining for diagnosis was greater with grape juice than xylene. Conclusion: The natural method can be used as deparaffinizing agent such as grape juice an alternative to xylene.

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