
ABSTRACT The paper presents the results of granulometry studying of particles of atmospheric suspension contained in snow samples collected in Zeya state reserve (seasons winter 2013/2014 years). Snow samples collected at 5 stations were revealed to contain the particles the size of less than 10 µm in ecologically insignificant concentrations (up to 4%).Generally, the particles of 3rd (10-50 µm) and 6th (400-700 µm) size classes prevail at all sampling stations. The particles at all sampling stations have relatively sm all specific surface area – from 401, 87 to 4720, 22 km²/ km³. It is possible to draw an inference that from the point of view of micro size pollution of atmosphere Zeya state reserve is considered to be a territory with farourable conditio ns.Key w ords: suspensions, Zeysky reserve, snow, pollution, microparticles 1. INTRODUCTION Reserves as conservation areas are considered to be apart from industrial centers and due to this fact do not undergo technogenic influence. Nevertheless, studying the samples of snow cover collected at some Far Eastern reserves (Bastak and Botchinsky) [Golokhvast et al. 2013, 2014] we detected the specific tech nogenic micro particles (compounds of W, Ti, Pb, Fe, Ba, cinder particles and cem ent).There are 3 state reserves in Amur region of the Far East of the Russia. One of these territories– Zeys ky state naturalreserve as insufficiently explored in this respect and located apart from industrial cen ters – is represented in this pape r.In the territory of the reserve of endemic and relict flora and fauna. 52 Species of mammals, 240 ones of birds, 4 an d 3ones of amphibian and reptilian relatively dwell and 297 kinds of bryophytes, 160 ones of lichen, 158 ones mushrooms and 728 ones of vascular plants grow at the territory of reserve.

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