
ABSTRACTObjective: To present a case of granulomatous perioral dermatitis (GPD) with extra-facial involvement and good response to short-term treatment with oral macrolide.Case description: A 9-year-old girl presented with exuberant GPD with extra-facial involvement. During follow-up, she received multiple ineffective therapies, but showed significant improvement of the lesions after the use of azithromycin for five days.Comments: GPD is an inflammatory dermatological condition represented by papulo-erythematous eruptions on perioral, nasal and periorbital regions, more prevalent in children and adolescents. It rarely extends to the genital region, trunk, and extremities, which characterizes its extra-facial manifestation. Its etiology is unknown, but it seems to have a correlation with the use of topical corticosteroids and other agents.


  • Granulomatous perioral dermatitis (GPD), a variant of classical perioral dermatitis, is a benign inflammatory disease affecting children in pre-pubertal age

  • This study aims to describe a case of GPD with extra-facial manifestation which presented good therapeutic response to a short-term treatment with oral macrolide

  • First described in 1970 by Gianott,5upon finding granulomatous lesions in children with perioral dermatitis, GPD is synonymous with several names: Gianotti-type perioral dermatitis, Afro-Caribbean facial eruption, and childhood granulomatous periorificial dermatitis.[1,6]

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To present a case of granulomatous perioral dermatitis (GPD) with extra-facial involvement and good response to shortterm treatment with oral macrolide. Case description: A 9-year-old girl presented with exuberant GPD with extra-facial involvement. It rarely extends to the genital region, trunk, and extremities, which characterizes its extra-facial manifestation. Objetivo: Apresentar um caso de dermatite perioral granulomatosa (DPG) com acometimento extrafacial e resposta terapêutica satisfatória ao uso de macrolídeo oral por curto período. Durante o período de evolução, submeteu‐se a múltiplas terapêuticas ineficazes, apresentando melhora significativa das lesões após o uso de azitromicina por cinco dias. Comentários: A DPG é uma afecção dermatológica inflamatória representada por erupções papuloeritematosas em região perioral, nasal e periorbitária, mais comum em crianças e adolescentes. Parece apresentar correlação com uso de corticosteroides tópicos e outros agentes.

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