
<h3>To the Editor.—</h3> In 1971, Tappeiner and Pfleger<sup>1</sup>observed a hitherto unknown nodular eruption in six infants, aged 3 to 7 months. They considered the term "granuloma glutaeale infantum" most appropriate to describe this lesion, because of its localization within the diaper area, consistent clinical picture, characteristic histopathologic features, and uniform course. In 1973, Uyeda et al<sup>2</sup>reported five cases of Kaposi sarcoma-like granuloma on diaper dermatitis in infants aged 3 to 9 months. The clinical features and histologic findings of Kaposi sarcoma like granuloma were similar to the cases of Tappeiner and Pfleger. However, in the cases of Uyeda et al, the lesions were in the genitocrural region, the thigh, and the penile region, and were not observed in the gluteal region. Recently, I saw a case of granuloma glutaeale infantum occurring on the intertriginous area of the neck and the left part of the genitocrural region. I

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