
A FURTHER grant in aid of research in Africa by the trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation is announced. The sum of £3000 per annum for a period of three years has been granted to the School of Oriental Studies in the University of London for the furtherance of research in African linguistics. This subject is already included in the curriculum of the school as part of the work of the Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, acting in co-operation with the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures. Now that the Oriental Institute has this additional fund at its disposal, it will be possible to extend its activities in this subject especially in the field of original research. It will be remembered that the Rockefeller Foundation is already assisting liberally African research in Great Britain by the grant of £5000 a year, to be increased in certain contingencies to £10,000, to the International Institute of African Linguistics and Cultures; and this grant is being used to meet the cost of a scheme of research which has been planned to cover a period of five years.

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