
Intrapartum complications that are classically associated with grandmultiparasinclude fetal malpresentation, dysfunctional labour, chronic hypertension, abruptio placentae,postpartum haemorrhage and macrosomic babies. Excellent maternal and fetal outcome ispossible in grandmultiparas with improvement in health care system and free provision of healthfacilities to all pregnant women. Objectives: The objective of the study was: to find the frequencyof hypertension, placental abruption and primary postpartum hemorrhage in grandmultiparas.Study Design: It was a prospective study with descriptive pattern. Setting: Gynaecologyand Obstetric unit-I of Allied Hospital, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad. Period: January toJune 2006. Methods: Eighty patients were included in the study. Eighty grandmultiparas wererandomly selected for the study. Detailed evaluation of all patients was done by thorough history,examination and investigation. Patients were analyzed for complications during pregnancy,labour and delivery, especially hypertension, placental abruption and primary post partumhaemorrhage. Results: Hypertensive disorders found to be in 32 (33.8%), placental abruptionin 7(8.8%) and postpartum hemorrhage in 19( 23.8%) of grandmultiparas. Conclusions: It wasconcluded from the result of my study that grandmultiparity is still a major obstetric hazard indeveloping countries like Pakistan with higher incidence of complications. Safe maternal andperinatal outcome is possible in grandmultiparas with improvement in health care system andfree provision of health care facilities to all pregnant women.

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