
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Russia there was an intensive development of the charitable movement, in which the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna took the most active part. Possessing organizational skills, the Grand Duchess was able to involve public and state leaders, clergy and private individuals in implementing her charitable projects. One of the most important areas of her charitable work became aid to the poorest fire victims in Moscow and Moscow province. In 1989 was founded “The Society for the Relief of Moscow and Moscow Province Fire Victims, under the auspices of Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna”. The society actively carried out educational work among the population on fire-prevention safety. Substantial assistance was rendered in insuring the population against fires, opening nurseries or orphanages for children of working parents, etc. The article analyses the calculation of fire statistics and the causes of fires and the decisions made to counteract the occurrence of fires.

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