
The efficient functioning of grain market contributes to the food security of the country. The aim – the issue of improving the grain marketing system is considered. Methods – comparative analysis, statistical and economic, logical, generalization. Results – assessment of the potential of grain resources in the context of the development priorities of the agro-industrial complex is presented. It is noted that currently there are changes in the volume and structure of grain sales channels: a decrease in absolute indicators and relative share of its sales to the State and increased sales on free market. The situation in storage of grain is shown, which indicates that in the work of large elevators, trends associated with functioning of agricultural holdings, the emergence of large grain companies and transnational corporations are indicated, which are mainly located in the territory of grain-growing regions. Аt the same time, many rural commodity producers do not have their own grain storage facilities, they are not united in marketing cooperatives, which does not give them the opportunity to form large commercial lots of high quality grain crops, to reduce distribution costs. In addition, they are not sufficiently equipped with grain cleaning and grain drying equipment, as a result, raw materials are not processed to basic conditions. Conclusions – grain industry, which occupies a key position in the economy of the republic, is a complex and dynamically developing multifunctional mechanism. One of the main directions of its development is the cereal marketing system, which predetermines the feasibility of agricultural production, the reliability of the country's grain and fodder supply, which has a significant impact on the efficiency of foreign trade. The problems of disparity in prices for commodity resources sold and grain products supplied to producers, and the development of production infrastructure remain unresolved. There is a lack of storage capacities for grain, high tariffs for services of elevators and grain receiving points, forcing agricultural producers to sell grain at low prices.


  • By separate subdivisions of grain product directly affecting the economic interests of subcomplex and regions of the country is not grain-producing farms, regions and the state, provided

  • It covers a wide range of issues arising in funds, which is a small share in its total comthe process of production, storage, transportamodity volume [2]

  • Rela-The scattered organizational and ecotively rapid transition of the agrarian sphere of nomic measures of state regulation of the economy to market relations, development of grain market, provided by the state programs the grain market fundamentally changed the for the development of agriculture and regulaexisting system of grain marketing in the tion of markets of agricultural products, raw country

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By separate subdivisions of grain product directly affecting the economic interests of subcomplex and regions of the country is not grain-producing farms, regions and the state, provided. 26 importer countries, 8 states purchased tures, many agricultural producers do not care grain, the largest amount shipped to Uzbekiabout its processing, which leads to mixing of stan (68.7 thousand tons), Tajikistan (51.3 different-quality batches of grain, loss in price, thousand tons), Iran (44.8 thousand tons), excessive transportation costs [9]. 3.2 thousand dispersion of prices for the same types of grain even within the boundaries of one administrative whole production business-process, while the territory indicates a weak link between prices other part gets rid of elevator assets explainand supply and demand Another significant ing it by high risks to a certain extent connectblocking factor in the development of the grain ed with unpredictability of the state policy in market and sales of grain is the work of grain relation to production and sales of grain.

Both in the first and in the second cases it
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