
In the middle of March 2020, Indonesia declared a Covid-19 emergency. This pandemic has an impact on art activities, including the artistic world of graffiti. During this time, the activities of graffiti artists in public spaces were increasingly limited. However, this limitation does not dampen their spirit, especially in terms of organizing exhibitions. Where on May 17, 2020, they held a virtual exhibition titled "Youth Pandemics." This topic is interesting to discuss since organizing a virtual exhibition is a new thing for graffiti artists, especially in Indonesia. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. This study's results reveal that implementing a virtual exhibition gave new alternative space for graffiti artists during a pandemic. Also, a virtual exhibition is a place to gather for graffiti artists amid their social limitations. Pameran Virtual Graffiti “Pandemic Youth” ABSTRAK Medio Maret 2020 Indonesia dinyatakan darurat Covid-19. Pandemik ini berdampak pada aktivitas seni termasuk di dalamnya dunia artistik graffiti. Selama pandemik, aktivitas artistik pelaku graffiti di ruang publik semakin terbatas. Namun batasan ini tidak menyurutkan semangat berkesenian sebagian pelaku graffiti, terutama dalam hal penyelenggaraan pameran. Dimana pada 17 Mei 2020 lalu mereka menyelenggarakan pameran virtual bertajuk “Pandemic Youth”. Topik ini menarik untuk dibahas mengingat upaya penyelenggaraan pameran virtual ini merupakan hal yang baru bagi pelaku graffiti khususnya di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa penyelenggaraan pameran virtual menambah alternatif baru bagi ruang berekspresi para pelaku graffiti di tengah pandemik. Selain itu pameran virtual sekaligus menjadi wadah berkumpul bagi para pelaku graffiti di tengah keterbatasan sosial mereka.


  • In the middle of March 2020, Indonesia has declared a Pandemic of Covid-19

  • "Pandemic Youth" is a new form used by graffiti artists in Indonesia to exhibit their works

  • "Pandemic Youth" is an exciting topic considering that this virtual exhibition is held in Indonesia’s Pandemic situation

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In the middle of March 2020, Indonesia has declared a Pandemic of Covid-19. The virus that was initially identified in Wuhan has spread to Indonesia, and in a short period since the middle of May 2020, the favorable cases of Covid-19 have increased significantly (Azanella, 2020). But art activities impact; one of them is the art world of graffiti in Indonesia This pandemic situation limits the activities of graffiti artists in public spaces. Artistic activities held regularly were postponed indefinitely, such as the exhibition These social restrictions impact graffiti artists’ artistic process where graffiti artists present their existence in public spaces and require appreciation as a form of self-actualization through community spaces such as exhibitions (Artcoholic, 2020). These things motivating Artcoholic to explore a new form of an exhibition in a virtual model. The virtual exhibition entitled "Pandemic Youth" can gather graffiti artists and their audience in one space simultaneously without direct physical interaction. "Pandemic Youth" is an exciting topic considering that this virtual exhibition is held in Indonesia’s Pandemic situation

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