
Introduction. The Smolensk fortress, which was created in 1596-1602, is a monument not only of military art, but also part of the cultural space of the city. For centuries, the inhabitants of the city and its defenders have left their graffiti on the fortress, some of these graffiti is characterized as quite archaic and finds analogies among the medieval graffiti of other cities. Previously, graffiti of the Smolensk Fortress were not studied, and all research was concentrated either on church frescoes or on graffiti of particular churches. The publication of graffiti of the Smolensk Fortress is happening for the first time.Materials and methods. The material for this study was 9 graffiti drawings located on lime blocks. They are made in the basement part of the wall at an accessible height of 45-100 cm, applied with a sharp object that leaves thin traces. The study of images was carried out by the method of micro-examination of graffiti.Results. The main features of graffiti are revealed: the location on the inside of the fortress and mainly in the furnaces (chambers of the lower battle) on white lime blocks. Among them there is an image of crosses, as well as people: warriors, a horseman, a woman. The theme of Smolensk graffiti correlates with the theme of wall paintings and graffiti in other cities of Russia and Belarus. It can be assumed that they were left by people from the middle and lower strata of the city, as well as the garrison of the fortress wall itself, which was closest to it.Conclusion. These graffiti are an additional source of information about the social and ethnic composition of the population of Smolensk, expand ideas about the folk culture of the XVII century.

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