
A large amount of work has established various kinds of articulatory strengthening of segments and of the modifications of the intra-/inter-segmental articulation dynamics depending on the level of prosodic boundaries. Studies on various languages have showed that a prosodic hierarchy accounts for variations of articulatory gestures and their coordination towards segmental strengthening and of reduction of coarticulation in initial, final or cross-boundary positions of constituents as function as up to 5 hierarchical levels (among others, [1; 2; 6]). In French, studies on this subject mainly focused on accent types [7] or initial position in prosodic constituents of different levels [3]. The present study on French [8] focuses on the effects of a 4-level prosodic hierarchy on intra- and inter-segmental articulatory dynamics of linguopalatal gestures in initial, final and cross-boundary positions of prosodic units. Prosodic-dependant articulatory variations were observed in aC#Ca sequences embedded in a sentence, where CC stands for /kl/, /lk/, /kt/ or /tk/ - # for prosodic boundary -. Accent always fell on the first vowel /a/, which is in the nucleus of the final syllable of the prosodic constituent. 7 to 8 sentences were read without pause 12 or 15 times by 3 French speakers. Prosodic boundaries varied by manipulating the syntactic and thematic structures of utterances. The prosodic hierarchy was composed of 4 levels, from the lower to the higher: syllable/word level < accentual level < non terminal (i.e. continuative) intonation level < terminal (i.e. conclusive) intonation level. Articulatory analysis of supralaryngeal correlates of the prosodic hierarchy was based on an EPG investigation of the temporal and spatial dimensions of linguopalatal gestures in aC#Ca. 178 different EPG measurements were extracted for each sequence, related to the articulation of the vowels and the consonants, as well as to the VC, CC and CV coarticulation inside the sequences. To extract the linguopalatal correlates of the prosodic hierarchy, a multi-step selection procedure of articulatory results was done. It was mainly based on two statistical criteria: a minimal narrow correlation with the prosodic hierarchy design (calculated by means of the Spearman rank correlation coefficient), and a minimal homogeneity between speaker behaviours (i.e. at least 2 out the 3 speakers must show the same direction of articulatory variation for the same EPG measurement). The results showed that 10-14 % of the different EPG measurements constituted the core of articulatory co-variations which increased inter-individually and gradually according to the prosodic hierarchy. In this study, the higher the prosodic level, (1) the more the pre-boundary open vowel a1 showed a large duration and amplitude of its opening; (2) the more the final rime aC# showed a narrow inter-gestural cohesion; (3) the more C#C coproduction was reduced; (4) the more the cross-boundary articulatory timing between C1 and a2 was large. Although these results did not reproduce Fougeron’s on French, regarding the gradual articulatory strengthening of maximal linguopalatal constriction of segments in initial prosodic positions, they closely showed the same frequencies of hierarchical distinctions. In both studies, the prosodic-dependant articulatory correlates essentially accounted for 3 different strengths of hierarchical distinction between prosodic levels, which are in decreasing order: intonational level (terminal or non terminal) versus non intonational level (accentual and syllable/word levels) > accentual level versus syllable/word level > terminal intonational level versus non terminal intonational level. The interpretation of the results concerns the architectures of the phonological representation based on a hierarchical prosodic constituency of speech structure. The discussion focuses mainly on the nature and, the number of, as well as the relationships between prosodic hierarchical levels, determined by specific intonational models of French prosody [4; 5].

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