
This work describes the development, validation and application of a simple and reliable high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) procedure for the analysis of two pharmaceutical mixtures. The first mixture contains the antihistaminic drug ebastine (EBS) and the famous sympathomimetic drug pseudoephedrine hydrochloride (PSD), and the second mixture is composed of EBS and another sympathomimetic agent, phenylephrine hydrochloride (PHR). Effective chromatographic separation of EBS, PSD and PHR was achieved using a Zorbax SB-C8 (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm) column with gradient elution of the mobile phase composed of 0.05M phosphoric acid and acetonitrile. The gradient elution started with 20% (by volume) acetonitrile, ramped up linearly to 90% in 5 min, then kept constant until the end of the run. The mobile phase was pumped at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The multiple wavelength detector was set at 254 (for EBS and PSD) and 274 nm (for PHR) and quantification of the analytes was based on measuring their peak areas. The retention times for PHR, PSD and EBS were approximately 2.5, 2.9 and 7.1 min, respectively. The reliability and analytical performance of the proposed HPLC procedure were statistically validated with respect to linearity, ranges, precision, accuracy, selectivity, robustness and detection and quantification limits. Calibration curves were linear in the ranges 5-100, 100-1,000 and 10-200 µg/mL for EBS, PSD and PHR, respectively, with correlation coefficients > 0.9996. The validated HPLC method was applied to the analysis of the two pharmaceutical mixtures in laboratory-made tablets in which the analytes were successfully quantified with good recovery values and no interfering peaks were encountered from the inactive ingredients. Finally, the proposed method made use of DAD as a tool for peak identity and purity confirmation.

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