
Scene text image super-resolution (STISR) in the wild has been shown to be beneficial to support improved vision-based text recognition from low-resolution imagery. An intuitive way to enhance STISR performance is to explore the well-structured and repetitive layout characteristics of text and exploit these as prior knowledge to guide model convergence. In this paper, we propose a novel gradient-based graph attention method to embed patch-wise text layout contexts into image feature representations for high-resolution text image reconstruction in an implicit and elegant manner. We introduce a non-local group-wise attention module to extract text features which are then enhanced by a cascaded channel attention module and a novel gradient-based graph attention module in order to obtain more effective representations by exploring correlations of regional and local patch-wise text layout properties. Extensive experiments on the benchmark TextZoom dataset convincingly demonstrate that our method supports excellent text recognition and outperforms the current state-of-the-art in STISR. The source code is available at https://github.com/xyzhu1/TSAN.

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