
Generalized geometry finds many applications in the mathematical description of some aspects of string theory. In a nutshell, it explores various structures on a generalized tangent bundle associated to a given manifold. In particular, several integrability conditions can be formulated in terms of a canonical Dorfman bracket, an example of Courant algebroid. On the other hand, smooth manifolds can be generalized to involve functions of Z-graded variables which do not necessarily commute. This leads to a mathematical theory of graded manifolds. It is only natural to combine the two theories by exploring the structures on a generalized tangent bundle associated to a given graded manifold.After recalling elementary graded geometry, graded Courant algebroids on graded vector bundles are introduced. We show that there is a canonical bracket on a generalized tangent bundle associated to a graded manifold. Graded analogues of Dirac structures and generalized complex structures are explored. We introduce differential graded Courant algebroids which can be viewed as a generalization of Q-manifolds. A definition and examples of graded Lie bialgebroids are given.

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