
In this paper, we present a method for fluid simulation based on smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) with fast collision detection on boundaries on GPU. The major goal of our algorithm is to get a fast SPH simulation and rendering on GPU. Additionally, our algorithm has the following three features: At first, to make the SPH method GPU-friendly, we introduce a spatial hash method for neighbor search. After sorting the particles based on their grid index, neighbor search can be done quickly on GPU. Second, we propose a fast particle-boundary collision detection method. By precomputing the distance field of scene boundaries, collision detection's computing cost arrived as O(n), which is much faster than the traditional way. Third, we propose a pipeline with fine-detail surface reconstruction, and progressive photon mapping working on GPU. We experiment our algorithm on different situations and particle numbers of scenes, and find out that our method gets good results. Our experimental data shows that we can simulate 100K particles, and up to 1000K particles scene at a rate of approximately 2 times per second.

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