
Abstract: The GPS tracker and alcohol detector with an engine locking system using GSM technology is a project that focuses on promoting road safety and preventing accidents caused by drunk driving. The project utilises an ATmega328 microcontroller as the core processing unit, integrating various components to form a cohesive system. The system includes an MQ sensor responsible for detecting alcohol levels in the driver's breath, ensuring accurate and reliable results. In the event of detecting alcohol above a predefined threshold, the system triggers a series of actions. First, the GPS module pinpoints the exact location of the vehicle, providing crucial information for prompt response. Simultaneously, an SMS is sent to authorised authority members, alerting them about the situation and sharing the vehicle's GPS coordinates. This enables swift intervention and appropriate action to be taken. To further prevent the intoxicated driver from continuing to operate the vehicle, an engine locking mechanism is employed. A relay is utilised to immobilise the engine, rendering it inoperable until the situation is resolved. Additionally, an audible warning is sounded through a buzzer to alert the driver and draw attention to the abnormality. The LCD display is incorporated to provide real-time information, displaying essential parameters such as alcohol concentration, vehicle location, and system status. This visual feedback assists both the driver and the authorities in understanding the situation and facilitates efficient decision-making. By combining these components, the GPS tracker and alcohol detector system with an engine locking mechanism offers a comprehensive solution to combat drunk driving. Its ability to detect alcohol levels, communicate with authorities, immobilise the engine, and provide location information helps ensure the safety of individuals on the road and reduces the risks associated with alcohol-impaired driving

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