
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) provide various types of positioning state solutions, such as single point positioning (SPP), precise point positioning (PPP), differential GPS (DGPS) and real time kinematic (RTK) solutions. These solutions are obtained involving different data types, receivers, samples, serving different classes of users. Previous studies on performance characteristics have mainly focused on SPP solutions for safety-of-life navigation applications. This paper defines various useful performance characteristics for carrier phase Ambiguity Resolution (AR) and Position Estimation (PE) solutions in the RTK context. These parameters, including base-rover distance, time-to-first fix (TTFF), AR reliability, RTK accuracy, availability and integrity, etc, effectively represent the performance of a commercial RTK system and can be used to evaluate RTK systems and algorithms, and processing strategies through extensive experimental results. Statistical results from extensive field experiments were obtained using a commercial RTK system, demonstrating convincing overall system performance in different perspectives. Experimental results from three baselines were also analysed using a version of research-oriented RTK software, showing that AR performance improvement of using Wide-lane (WL) and Narrow-lane (NL) signals with respect to the original L1 and L2 signals when the baselines exceed 20 kilometres.

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