
The Global Positioning System or GPS has been developed for the purpose of enabling accurate positioning and navigation anywhere on or near the surface of the Earth. In addition to the US system GPS-NAVSTAR, the Russian GLONASS system is also in place and operational. Other such systems are under study. The key measurement involved is the time of travel of signals from a particular GPS spacecraft to the navigating receiver. Navigation accuracies of the order of tenths of meters are achievable, and accuracies at the centimeter level can also be obtained with special enhancement techniques. In recent years spacecraft have already been exploring the use of GPS for in-orbit navigation. As the receiver is solid state, rugged, power-lean, and cheap, GPS for autonomous navigation will be an objective even for low-cost spacecraft of only modest sophistication. When the GPS receiver is equipped with multiple antennas with baselines even as low as about one meter, it can also give attitude information. In this case, the position of the spacecraft needs to be known with only very moderate accuracy. However, the phase differences between signals received by the different antennas now constitute the key measurements. In this case a centimeter level accuracy of range difference can be obtained. Receivers carrying out the processing of such measurements are already on the market, even in space-qualified versions. For spacecraft maneuvering at low rates, accuracies of the order of tenths of a degree are achievable. There are reasons for maintaining classical attitude sensor suites on a spacecraft even when a GPS receiver is added. In this case the classical sensors may be allowed to be of modest quality only, as subsequent fusion of their data with those from the GPS receiver may restore the accuracy of the final estimate again to an acceptable level. Hence, low-cost attitude sensors combined with a low-cost GPS receiver can still satisfy non-trivial attitude reconstitution accuracy requirements. As carrier phase difference measurements are ambiguous because of the unknown number of GPS signal cycles received, the estimated attitude is in principle ambiguous as well. Therefore, resolution of the GPS signal cycle ambiguity becomes a necessary task before determining the attitude for a stand-alone GPS attitude sensing system. This problem may be solved by introducing additional low-cost reference attitude sensors like three-axis magnetometers. This is also one of the advantages of integrated sensor systems. The paper is organized as follows. Global Positioning System and GPS observables are described in the first two sections. The main attitude determination concepts are presented in the next section. For small spacecraft, GPS integrated with other low-cost attitude sensors results in a data fusion concept, to be discussed next. The last section highlights experiences and on-going projects related to the spacecraft attitude determination using GPS.

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