
Abstract The great Tohoku-oki earthquake which occurred on March 11, 2011, caused crustal movements in both Korea and Japan. This study attempts to analyze velocity changes of crustal movement of Korea Peninsula due to the Tohoku-oki earthquake and to compare the calculation with precious crustal movenents of Korea Peninsula. We found that the crustal movement velocity of South Korea increased 3.9 mm/yr northward and 7.5 mm/yr eastward on average as a result of the Tohoku-oki earthquake; when this figure is compared with the past crustal movement velocities of the Korea Peninsula.Key words : GPS, Crustal Movement Velocity, Tohoku-oki earthquake *  7uvu4TUwxV(Spatial Information Research Institute, Korea Cadastral Survey Corporation) ** uK(Korea Aerospace University) ‧ 1yz(First Author) : >(Ji-Hyun Ha, tel : +82-10-3171-6740, email : hajh@lx.or.kr) ‧ {hz: 20131013‧ |v(hT)z: 20131015(hTz: 20131224) ‧ }?z: 20131230 http://dx.doi.org/10.12673/jkoni.2013.17.6.600 I. 서 론

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