
Sequencing data are often summarized at different annotation levels for further analysis, generally using the general feature format (GFF) or its descendants, gene transfer format (GTF) and GFF3. Existing utilities for accessing these files, like gffutils and gffread, do not focus on reducing the storage space, significantly increasing it in some cases. We propose GPress, a framework for querying GFF files in a compressed form. GPress can also incorporate and compress expression files from both bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq experiments, supporting simultaneous queries on both the GFF and expression files. In brief, GPress applies transformations to the data which are then compressed with the general lossless compressor BSC. To support queries, GPress compresses the data in blocks and creates several index tables for fast retrieval. We tested GPress on several GFF files of different organisms, and showed that it achieves on average a 61% reduction in size with respect to gzip (the current de facto compressor for GFF files) while being able to retrieve all annotations for a given identifier or a range of coordinates in a few seconds (when run in a common laptop). In contrast, gffutils provides faster retrieval but doubles the size of the GFF files. When additionally linking an expression file, we show that GPress can reduce its size by more than 68% when compared to gzip (for both bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq experiments), while still retrieving the information within seconds. Finally, applying BSC to the data streams generated by GPress instead of to the original file shows a size reduction of more than 44% on average. GPress is freely available at https://github.com/qm2/gpress. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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