
The purpose of this research is to study government responsibility in protecting the people from the impact of disaster in guarantee of fulfilling human rights to every person to live and secure performing his/her activity. The method of research is legal normative. The analysis on the primary and secondary legal materials are conducted comparatively and systematically and the result are explained descriptively and systematically. The result of the research indicates that the urgency of establishing legislation regulations in the settlement of disaster is focused on the disaster settlement such as; emergency action, rehabilitation, reconstruction in case there is natural, unnatural and social disaster in order to provide legal certainty and justice to the victims of disaster. Law enforcement is necessary to impose measures on the parties in abusing peoples confidence to help me victims of natural, unnatural and social disaster. Other problem that arouse in the settlement of disaster is that there is no effective coordination among the concerned government instances, resulting in the emergence of problems at the field concerning the competence of the instances, where as preparation in encountering disaster needs good planning so that the performance will be running well. As conclusion, government responsibility in the settlement of disaster, observed from the aspect of human rights, is performed through determination of development policy potential for the emergence of disaster, activity of disaster prevention, emergency action, and rehabilitation to prevent matters that may threatening and disturbing the life and the living as fulfillment of the rights to live freely from fear and anxiety as result of disaster threat, cause by natural factor, unnatural factor as well as human beings resulting in the death of human life, environmental damages, loss possession and psychological impact.

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