
The Ie Jeulanga Gampong-Owned Enterprise (BUMG) in this case as the party that manages the Bottled Drinking Water (AMDK) production business and the Jeulanga Mata Ie Gampong Government as the capital owner certainly requires in-depth research regarding the governance of the feasibility of the business or business being run so that the AMDK business development process can run effectively and can be useful for the development of the village economy. However, the implementation of BUMG is not without obstacles, there are still several problems in its implementation. Apart from that, the lack of capacity or ability of BUMG managers means that BUMG Ie Jeulanga's institutional system is not running optimally and is dependent on government assistance so that there is no spirit of independence. The aim of the research is to describe and analyze the implementation of BUMG Ie Jeulanga governance policies based on Regent Regulation Number 30 of 2020 and to determine the factors that support and hinder the governance of BUMG Ie Jeulanga. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. Qualitative research was carried out to find information on the impact of empowerment strategies, obstacles and solutions for BUMG Ie Jeulanga in improving the economy of the village community in Bandar Dua District, Pidie Jaya Regency. This model system regarding BUMG governance includes work plans, management aspects, business capital, human resources, and supporting and inhibiting factors for BUMG Jeulanga Mata Ie. In this research, BUMG policy implementation uses policy implementation formulated by Van Meter and Van Horn. Based on the results of data analysis, field findings, propositions and linked to theoretical studies, it can be concluded that BUMG Ie Jeulanga has significant potential for growth and development, but also faces challenges such as administrative management thathas not been managed well, existing financial resources are still inadequate. fulfill the implementation of the BUMG program and so far, and the human resource potential of BUMG managers is still very lacking, it is very likely that the level of educationand expertise of the staff is not in line with the job description of the AMDK production business, because the majority of the residents of Gampong Jeulanga Mata Ie make their living as farmers/planters and casual daily laborers and with the establishment of the AMDK business unit by BUMG Ie Jeulanga, it is hoped that there will be employment absorption, because the level of production capacity is still limited, on average marketing is still carried out in the sub-district area.

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