
Abstract Deuteronomy connects three covenants, of the Fathers, that at Horeb, and that at Moab. These have different views on the future pardon of Israel, should it transgress the prohibitions of images and of foreign gods, and should the wrath of God and the covenant curses be realised. With reference to J. J. Krause’s “Die Bedingungen des Bundes”, this contribution demonstrates that neither Deuteronomy nor the Ancient Near East know any automatism regarding blessing and curse, and that YHWH is the free Lord and Partner of the covenant. Yet, He remains true to the covenant that He has sworn to the Patriarchs (Dt 4:31; 9:27). Therefore, He will enable Israel in exile to turn to Him (4:30) and on experiencing the logic of the covenant, He will circumcise their hearts (30:6). Then Israel will keep the foremost commandment of love for God and the provisions of the Deuteronomic Torah (30:6, 10) and live in abundant blessing. The Mosaic prophecy of Israel’s pardon surpasses the future turn in salvation history predicted in the epilogue of the Holiness Code (Lev 26:42–45).

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