
Big Data has recently been used for many purposes like medicine, marketing and sports. It has helped improve management decisions. However, for almost each case a unique data warehouse should be built to benefit from the merits of data mining and Big Data. Hence, each time we start from scratch to form and build a Big Data Warehouse. In this study, we propose a Big Data Warehouse and a model for universities to be used for information management, to be more specific gossip management. The overall model is a decision support system that may help university administraitons when they are making decisions and also provide them with information or gossips being circulated among students and staff. In the model, unsupervised machine learning algorithms have been employed. A prototype of the proposed system has also been presented in the study. User generated data has been collected from students in order to learn gossips and students’ problems related to school, classes, staff and instructors. The findings and results of the pilot study suggest that social media messages among students may give important clues for the happenings at school and this information may be used for management purposes.The model may be developed and implemented by not only universities but also some other organisations.


  • Modern business managements are benefitting from merits of digital era more and more

  • Since we know that there is very valuable and useful information hidden in Big Data why not using it for university management for various purposes such as class allocations, facility organizations, rumor and gossip control, problem detection? In this study, we propose a data warehouse a model which enables to sort out some management issues via machine learning algorithms

  • Big Data has been used by practitioners and scholars and academics

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Modern business managements are benefitting from merits of digital era more and more. With the rapid improvement of computer devices, software tools and storage capacities, managers are much more comfortable to use these tools Everyday another solution or idea emerges to assist modern managers when they are making their decisions. Managing a university is arranging classes, monitoring instructors and motivating them to work, teach and produce harder Students are another important part of universities that should be taken into account for a better management. That’s why university administrators perform some surveys with students to learn how happy they are with campus facilities, teaching quality etc This can be done only once or twice in an academic year. Using social media data integrated with other data available, a decision support system may be built to feed managers with information about minor problems that are happening somewhere in the university.

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